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Industry 4.0

The digital factory

We have been a specialist in automation and database systems for decades and have in-depth knowledge in the field of production processes of the manufacturing industry. Already today our vendor-independent applications are efficient industrial 4.0 solutions at the interface between production plant and database.

  • Predictive Maintenance

Digital Operations

The networking of all processes

Reliable data collection with centralized management and real-time processing are indispensable fundamentals of modern planning systems in the context of industry 4.0. DSD Automation implements this connection, ensures the quality-compliant planning and control of all processes as well as high-performance, secure data management. In this way, we guarantee maximum networking of production planning, quality control, product tracking and logging.

Individual and from a single source

Your individual industrial 4.0 solution from DSD Automation includes planning, electrical and mechanical implementation, installation of the network and computer systems as well as the programming of the control systems and database systems and a final commissioning including after-sales service.

Thanks to our specially developed simulation, we are able to analyze your entire plant including data flow before commissioning. This complete approach represents a consistently high quality and maximum compatibility along the value chain. 

Our digital solutions are affordable by Small & Medium companies but designed to scale up starting from a Proof of Concept to full plant optimization.

Machine learning | Data Mining | Artificial Intelligence

As a partner to the process industry, we repeatedly find that these complex processes can not be captured in simple rules or physical models. The reasons for this can be found in the high number of influencing factors, the constantly changing framework conditions, the high dynamic of the process changes in terms of optimization, products and plant condition, as well as the high demands placed on the necessary knowledge to build these models.

Our many years of know-how in the process industry in combination with the appropriate plant technology as well as our data analysis know-how, we combine with to your requirements adapted automation systems for your digital operation solution.

We satisfy the dynamics of process changes with self-learning systems. For example, creeping changes in raw materials or changes in the implementation of new plant technology are recorded. The corresponding models of the production processes, their database and thus also their prediction and control rules adapt. Due to the continuous build-up of additional process data, revised pattern recognition and continously revised control rules a self-learning automation system is set up.

Together with you, we will exploit the enormous potential hidden in your huge amounts of data.

Predictive analytics

Tap into your own knowledge: Hot to derive future events from existing data wit our help

Increase product quality or yields by using data? Determine downtime of plant components to in advance? Predict the development of carbon and silicon content in molten iron? Such things are possible – without hocus-pocus but mathematically founded!

The possible applications of predictive analyses are manifold and, strictly speaking, not a new invention. Today, however, modern technologies make it possible to capture, structure and analyze enormous amounts of data. Predictive analytics is based on data mining, the systematic application of statistical methods to large data sets with the aim of identifying correlations and trends. The central task of predictive analytics is to identify trends, to identify developments and problems of the future on the basis of data patterns. Statistical algorithms and machine learning ensure that on the basis of this historical data, future events can be predicted with sufficient accuracy. Would you like to raise your data treasures? Then you need a specialist who understands your problem and process, has the appropriate methods and models and can interpret results: DSD Automation!

Our Digital Solutions:

With our iIMS (industrial Information Management System) you can centralize, enrich and unleash your data: no more data loss, high resolution (<1s), easy access to your production data through semantic models, enable Business & Artificial Intelligence thanks to unique combination of high performance time-series & relational database.

No Code/Low Code digital platform.

  • Operational Transparency: Monitor your process KPIs such as OEE, equipment status, energy consumption and product quality and inform the rights persons in real-time through configurable web dashboards, automatic notifications (emails, MS Teams, WhatsApp, Slack, Trello) and configurable reporting based on MS Excel templates.
  • Secure Knowledge: Capture operational practice and Know How from your key people
  • Decrease reaction time and avoid incidents: Digitize your SOPs (Standard Operation Procedures) and make them available to operators in case of problem or operational incident, standardize your operation across the different production shifts.
    Unleash your continuous improvement processes by giving the proper tools in the hands of the domain experts without creating risk of stoppage due to automation system modifications.
  • Orchestrate & Automate operational decisions and procedures graphically in the OT world and interact with other systems through APIs.
  • Enrich Know How with AI by merging domain expertise, physico-chemical models with data driven models generated by our or your data scientists in a single environment. You can then start correlating your failures and process deviations with your process parameters and measurements as well as your production grades. Our platform enable quick industrialization of data -driven models generated in Python, R or Julia languages from R&D to production!
  • Predict failures and avoid unplanned down times and go step by step to prescriptive/autonomous operation that will increase your plant availability and efficiency and generate significant savings.
  • Hybrid Architecture allowing low footprint hybrid deployment of logic on the Edge close to the machine, on premise on dedicated servers or/and in your public/private Cloud depending on your specific business needs and constraints.



Energy / Loadmanagement

If you want to work energy-optimized, you have to record your energy data and make it transparent - we'll show you how!

The more energy-intensive a production process is, the greater the leverage for cost savings and environmental protection. Both topics are more relevant today than ever before. Sustainable use of energy and resources with reduced CO2 emissions is not only important with regard to legal requirements, but also testifies to responsible action. The complete recording of energy flows is the basis for all optimisation measures:

Only those who know which unit converts how much energy and when, can make a well-founded and informed decision. With the transparency gained, optimization potentials are identified and implemented. The success of the measures can be tracked and documented. DSD Automation offers you an optimised energy management system for this purpose. It assures your competitive advantage through sustainable use of energy and resources and helps you to meet your sustainability goals. An integrated load management not only protects your aggregates, but at the same time helps to avoid expensive load peaks.

Process & Logistic simulation

Dynamic simulation models allow process optimization with 100 % safety

The modeling of processes provides the basis for a multitude of advantages: Quality improvement, cost reduction, reduction of downtimes and training possibilities for plant operators. Two steps are necessary: First, our specialists depict the processes from your real plant in a virtual simulation environment using the necessary depth.
Now, operating points can be changed as desired, operating modes can be modified and operator interventions can be tried out – without effect on the real hardware, interruption of production processes or endangerment of personnel and plant! Derive tangible insights from the model and transfer the virtual optimizations into reality.

The result? Concrete advantages:

  • Early testing of the system – even before commissioning
  • Acceptance of the plant in the simulation
  • Process optimization and plant expansion based on your specific operational data without interrupting production
  • What if simulation to prepare different operation scenario.
  • Bottleneck detection
  • Faster plant availability through pre-trained personnel on a "flight-simulator"
  • Repeated operator training under real conditions in a safe environment